
Extract yourself from the chaos of 
high-conflict situationsand interactions by becoming a
Conflict Influencer™.

You know you're in a high-conflict dispute or situation when you realize that no matter what, it's always your fault and the other person is always the victim.

You are likely exhausted by the chaos and dread seeing the person or being around the situation that is causing it. The gloves come off, especially when someone with a high-conflict personality is involved. 

The Conflict Influencer class is instruction (1st half) and practical application to your situation (2nd half) and ongoing community for anyone involved in a high-conflict situation.


4-5:30pm Pacific
October 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20
December 4

Limited to 20 participants.

Week 1
1:00-2:30 Pacific OR 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
Conflict Spectrum & Brain
Learn about the Conflict Spectrum from low to high and how our brains work and inter-relate in conflict. Learn about the 5 high-conflict operating systems, and identify your Conflict Tolerance. 

  • Conflict Spectrum
  • Conflict Brain
  • Conflict Operating Systems (5 types) 
  • Conflict Tolerance Quotient (CTQ)
  • Q&A
  • ACTION: Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet


Week 2
1:00-2:30 Pacific OR 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
For Email, Text, Messaging
Learn to influence written communication using the BIFF Communication™ method for emails, texts and other messages by extracting the emotion and the hooks, thereby ending the hostility (and dread).

  • BIFF Response®
  • Demonstration
  • Practice
  • Q&A
  • ACTION: Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet

Week 3
1:00-2:30 Pacific OR 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
For Conversations 
Learn to de-escalate an angry, upset, hostile, complaining or blaming person with an EAR Statement™ to calm the React Brain, followed by shifting them into Logic Brain using a THINK Action (choices, options, proposals).

  • EAR Statements
  • THINK Actions
  • Demonstration
  • Practice
  • Q&A
  • ACTION:  Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet


Week 4
1:00-2:30 Pacific OR 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
Learn to make agreements peacefully by making proposals, asking for proposals, asking or answering questions.

  • Proposals
    • making & asking them
    • asking & answering questions 
    • making decisions 
    • reducing resistance and getting unstuck 
  • Demonstration
  • Practice
  • Q&A
  • ACTION:  Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet

Week 5
1:00-2:30 OR 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
Learn to manage your emotions by analyzing your options before making decisions. This will help you stop yourself before over-reacting, taking the bait or engaging in an unproductive way.

  • Decisions List
  • Multiple best options
  • Stop doubting yourself
  • Demonstration
  • Practice
  • Q&A
  • ACTION:  Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet


Week 6
1:00-2:30 OR 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
Ultimate Conflict Influence
In this final class, we'll talk about building a team against the problem instead of "me against you". Score your Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet and see the progress you've made, followed by discussing lingering questions, reviewing and clarifying the skills. 

  • Team against the Issue/Problem
  • Score Conflict Influencer™ Core Concern Worksheet
  • Discussion
  • Self-care
  • Demonstration
  • Practice
  • Q&A


Megan Hunter, The Conflict Influencer, is co-founder of the High Conflict Institute 
along with Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.

After 20+ years teaching professionals around the world how to handle high-conflict disputes across many industries, governments, courts, and other organizations, she now expands her conflict expertise to the people who are faced with high-conflict situations every day—you.

Megan brings professional and personal (mom of 3 and stepmom of 5) experience to the table and will guide you into becoming a Conflict Influencer yourself.

Who It's For

  • parents
  • co-parents
  • grandparents
  • neighbors
  • employees
  • business partners
  • family members
  • organizers
  • managers/leaders
  • anyone

Class details

  • held via Zoom (the classes are not recorded)
  • half instruction/half discussion & practice
  • strategies for handling difficult relationships (blame, rage, manipulation, etc.)
  • confidential
  • not therapy and not legal advice - just educational
  • on completion, you get a Certificate of Conflict Influencer Achievement that can be an indicator of your pro-activeness in handling conflict
  • you'll be part of the Conflict Influencer Community (optional) for life

What Class Participants Say About Becoming
a Conflict Influencer

I'm a Husband/Dad

The skills I've taken from the books, the online courses and hands on training in this Conflict Influencer class are invaluable. I went from gearing up for court (ready with my lawyer), to mediation, to dinner with my entire family. I now have the confidence that I have the missing peace that can turn things around for my marriage and my family's future.

I'm A Mom

This [Conflict Influencer] class was just what I needed. Not only did it help me understand the mindset of a high conflict person, but it gave me real skills to help influence and calm the conflict. Furthermore, the community of people took this course to a different level that you can't find with a textbook or even one-on-one coaching...this became my group therapy and made an incredible difference!

I'm a Mom

This highly practical class is beyond my expectation. I got immediate results by using a variety of skills learned in class. The classmates were diverse including court professional, custodial and non custodial parents, & stepparents so I gained diverse perspectives. By completing this class I get life long support from the community so I won't feel alone in this long and hard journey!

I am a Parent

"Megan's course has made a significant impact on my ability to handle various interpersonal situations effectively. Learning to de-escalate tensions, write clearly, respond thoughtfully, propose solutions, and make requests in a diplomatic manner transformed how I navigate both personal and professional interactions.

By keeping interactions brief, informative, friendly, and firm, I've not only reduced stress but also fostered more productive exchanges. This approach has helped in minimizing misunderstandings, streamlining communication, and ultimately finding constructive paths forward. Megan's Conflict Influencer course has been so beneficial to me in multiple aspects of life! If you're struggling with your co-parent, family, friends or work colleagues this course is for you!"

I am a Stepparent

"This is one of the most worthwhile courses for those navigating the often challenging environment of blended families. As a step parent you often feel helpless as to how you can support your family best during these high conflict situations, this course gives you the tools and strategies to confidently communicate for yourself and support your whole family in doing the same. In fact, the skills learned in this course are great communication tools for life in general and translate well with anyone to your kids, co-workers or even with each other. I loved the time and energy Megan gives in presenting this content, so that you leave having tried it out, with feedback, before using it in real life high conflict situations. I have learned so many new and lifelong skills from the Conflict Influencer course and am thankful for the small piece of freedom this has gained back in our family life. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is a step parent and/or parent, traversing a high conflict blended family environment, and seeking an easier and less stressful way forward."

I am a Stepmom

"We used a proposal (even after an extremely abusive message), ignored the nasty and simply replied with a proposal as we learned in your Conflict Influencer class, and it worked! My husband was elated as it saw him get 5 precious extra hours for his birthday with his little girl. Thank you!"

What was the most helpful aspect of the Conflict Influencer class?

  • Learning the areas I needed to improve both in triggering my wife and how to handle when I'm being triggered.
  • Education is freedom…BIFF and I love proposals. EAR will expose too many vulnerabilities to my husband but helpful with others. This whole process with The High Conflict Institute has been amazing! Especially when I learned I get a two-fer and am able to attend and help facilitate future classes and others is so empowering! Thank you!
  • BIFF and EAR were SO helpful, but really the practice of BIFFing in writing and in person, as well as talking with Megan and the other people - the community.
  • BIFF for email

What is the single hardest thing you have to deal with in dealing with a high-conflict situation or relationship?

  • Feeling like I'm in limbo. But it's slowly coming about.
  • The sneak attacks - when everything seems to be going fine and then out of nowhere the high conflict person decides to throw a wrench in the gears. She wants everything her way all the time and if we don't follow suit it's a fight, or she punishes the kids/uses the kids against us. Learning how to BIFF her back when she messages her crazy thoughts and demands has really helped, so it's just the constant feeling of being on guard for "when is the next shoe gonna drop".
  • Dealing with an ex who's full plate of all 5 high conflict personalities.