Course Description
High Conflict Mediation Lecture + 3-hour Demonstration is a 75-minute lecture on a tightly-structured, simple process for mediating potentially high-conflict disputes. It focuses on the teaching and reinforcement of the 4 Big Skills for clients to use throughout the process. This approach emphasizes the role of the mediator as “guide” – much more directive about the process and much less directive about the actual decisions the parties should make. It is a very client-centered approach.
The 4 Big Skills™
- flexible thinking
- managed emotions
- moderate behaviors
- taking responsibility
The mediator provides a few simple skills for the parties to repeatedly apply in more actively asking questions, gathering information and making proposals, while the mediator more actively provides education and options for the parties to consider. Storytelling about past behavior is stopped and discussions of emotional issues are firmly discouraged, based on the belief that these issues are irresolvable for people with potentially high conflict personalities and simply reinforce their intransigence.
However, throughout this process, the mediator calmly demonstrates empathy, respect and neutrality for both parties, despite angry outbursts, surprise events, tears and rigid positions. The intended result is that the parties have less need to defend themselves, they work harder at finding solutions, and they are more committed to their own decisions.
This approach was designed for mediating high-conflict disputes, but it can be used with anyone in any type of mediation. The skills necessary for mediating high conflict disputes, like divorce mediation, civil mediation or others, translate across any types of conflict.
Once you’re trained in this method and start using it with clients, they can start using them right away in making decisions together out of court.
- Mediators
- Attorneys
- Anyone mediating high conflict disputes
What you get
- 75-minute training
- 3-hour demonstration
- PowerPoint PDF
- Certificate of Attendance
Recommended Materials
There are no required course materials but we recommend these books as a supplement (purchased separately):
- Mediating High Conflict Disputes
- High Conflict People in Legal Disputes
Upon completion of this training, you can immediately start using this method. You are not required to request licensure from High Conflict Institute.
Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. is the co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of the High Conflict Institute in San Diego, California. He pioneered the High Conflict Personality Theory (HCP) and has become an expert on managing disputes involving people with high conflict personalities. He was the Senior Family Mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center for 15 years, a Certified Family Law Specialist lawyer representing clients in family court for 15 years, and a licensed clinical social worker therapist with twelve years’ experience.
He serves on the faculty of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law in California and is a Conjoint Associate Professor with the University of Newcastle Law School in Australia.
He has been a speaker and trainer in over 30 U.S. states and 10 countries and is the author or co-author of over 20 books, manuals, and workbooks. He is co-host of the podcast It's All Your Fault which he co-hosts with Megan Hunter, and he also has a popular blog on the Psychology Today website with millions of views.
Continuing Education
This course is equal to 3.5 hours. You will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the course, which can be submitted to your licensure board (check with your licensure board's requirements regarding online courses.
Getting Started
After you complete your purchase on this page, you will set up your login credentials and immediately begin the course.
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