Conversations About Domestic Violence in Family Law with 16 Experts

A 6-PART VIDEO SERIES on Domestic Violence (DV) / Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) best practices
in the family law environment in the United States and Canada.

For decades, Domestic Violence (DV) or Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has been a challenging and important issue for new and experienced family lawyers, judges, evaluators, mediators, therapists, and DV advocates.

  1. Recently licensed professionals may have little experience with DV/IPV, yet their cases involving DV/IPV will be some of the most difficult they handle.
  2. Many experienced professionals will have a local viewpoint and may want to know more about how other places handle DV/IPV cases.
  3. The coronavirus pandemic has caused a spike in domestic violence that shelters, domestic violence agencies, law enforcement, and courts are still trying to manage.
What is certain is that professionals are being called to deal with it more than before. Understanding the impact of DV/IPV on family law issues will help new and seasoned professionals better handle these emotionally charged and dangerous cases.
We created this video series that presents an overview of DV/IPV facing family law professionals. The featured experts offer concrete advice about how to screen for DV/IPV, assess the level of danger, and work towards safe and healthy resolutions for families.
Whether you are new to the field or a seasoned professional, the material in this series will enhance your practice.
The videos can be viewed at your convenience (24/7) and as often as you wish. You don't have to view them in one sitting.
You will have access to them indefinitely with this purchase. 

Video 1
Understanding Domestic Violence (DV) / Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Video 2
Screening and Assessing for Domestic

 Video 3
Challenges within the Current Family Court System

Video 4
Mediation Concerns in Domestic Violence Cases

Video 5
Understanding Children's Issues

Video 6
Offender Treatment, Vicarious Trauma, and Training for Professionals

Interview Team

Bill Eddy, co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of the High Conflict Institute,
along with Annette Burns, JD, and the Honorable Karen Adam (Ret.),
interviewed 16 leading experts to create this innovative video series.


We can all work together to make a difference 

by understanding the big picture about domestic violence today.
